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To apply for a Private Pilot's licence there is a requirement to sit 9 theory exams in topics ranging from Navigation to Aircraft General Knowledge.
Some authorities like the UK CAA use an electronic exam system while others are still using legacy paper based examinations. You should consult your training organisation for information on their specific process.
We are a trusted partner in preparation for your PPL theory exams with a relevant question bank that is frequently updated based on feedback from students just like you.
Subjects include Air Law (FREE in PPL Exam Preparation), Meteorology, Principles of Flight, Aircraft General, Flight Performance and Planning, Human Performance and Limitations, Operational Procedures, Navigation and Communication.
Individual topics can be purchased for £2.99 or you can save up to 40% and purchase all 9 exam topics for £14.99. Access is for life with a 100% moneyback guarantee if you're not happy.
Yes you can begin your flight training before completing all theory exams but some training organisations may require certain topics to be completed before progression from one stage of training to the next. Please consult your ATO for accurate advice.